Alumni community
A lively, international community with over 7,000 members
From scientists to politicians, artists to adventurers, our alumni are an inspiring group of passionate people who share educational values. They stay connected for life.
Our Montana community worldwide

Montana Club
The Montana alumni network has been spreading our school's values around the world for more than 50 years
Where it all began
On the 4th of July 1966, the Montana Club was formed by ex-students. They wanted a permanent organisation for alumni who wished to stay connected with each other as well as with the school.
The Institut Montana Zugerberg Foundation
In 2016, the 50th anniversary of the Montana Club coincided with the 90-year jubilee of Institut Montana. The Club decided to deepen the connection between itself and the school by creating the Institut Montana Zugerberg Foundation.
How we stay connected
Regular chapter and reunion meetings around the world provide opportunities for members of Montana Club to meet. We maintain a private community portal where former students and staff reconnect with one another.

Fun parties, exciting networking and golden memories
Alumni reunions
Regular, monthly alumni reunions, also known as Stämme, are organised all around the world by our Heads of Chapters. Our current chapters can be found in Austria, Australia, Brazil, China, Germany, India, Italy, Morocco, New Zealand, Pakistan, Russia, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey and the US.
Every now and then something really special happens! An event brings together alumni from across oceans. These take place about three times every two years. Two of them will be somewhere in the world - the destination varies. The third is the jewel in the crown:
"HOMECOMING!" This is a weekend back at our campus on the Zugerberg. Returning to Montana is like coming home for ex-students, and it is the inspiration for the best party of all. Well worth the effort to make the journey to Switzerland - from wherever life has taken you.