
Language Learning at Institut Montana Zugerberg’s Summer Sessions

Students aged 10-15 will be joining us this summer for our annual summer sessions. Part of our summer camp involves intensive mornings during the weekdays to improve on their English or German – depending on the students’ preference.


Food and Safety at Institut Montana Zugerberg’s Summer Sessions

This summer, 10 to 15-year-olds from all parts of the world will be coming to our campus to partake in our yearly summer sessions. One of the sides to a summer camp that is often not mentioned and yet so crucial, is the food and safety aspects that the students receive.


Boarding Life at Institut Montana Zugerberg’s Summer Sessions

Our annual summer sessions for students aged 10 to 15 will take place once again. While we break up the sessions in either 2- or 4-week periods, we also give students the option of being day or boarding students – just like during our academic school year.


College Counselling: A Twenty-First Century Approach

At Institut Montana Zugerberg, we pride ourselves on our alumni community and the wide range of careers they pursue. Naturally, this starts to take shape with the help of our college counsellor during their high school years.


Géraldine Dulex: A Star isn’t Born but Made

Géraldine Dulex is a Swiss and American alumna who graduated from Institut Montana Zugerberg in 2002. Today, you can find Géraldine in New York City, doing what she loves most, acting. Read on to learn more about our star.



Gaudenz Biveroni: Recapping His Home to Learn and Grow

Gaudenz Biveroni, our alumnus from Switzerland, graduated from Institut Montana Zugerberg in 2001. He later went on to earn his degree in International Affairs and Governance from the University of St. Gallen (HSG) in 2007. Today, Gaudenz engages in linking highly qualified professionals with “Impact Jobs” at companies working on pressing issues with a professional search firm, Biveroni & Associates, and through his platform Impact Careers. Read on to learn more about him.


Mansour Al Zamil: One of the Children of the Clouds

Mansour Saleh Al Zamil, an Institut Montana Zugerberg alumnus, shares his experience during his time with us. You can find him in Saudi Arabia where he oversees AL AQTAB Group, Al Zamil Heavy Industries Ltd. and is currently finishing up his tell-all in his book titled, Children of the Clouds.


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